Friday, October 3, 2008

So, why am I even starting a blog.....?
Good question.
Maybe because I want things to.... be free from my mind. Written... somewhere.

So lets start by talking in code.

So, I'm pretty much in love. In love with the greatest human being ever. And hes.... mostly in love with me.... Except one issue. Which, I'll refrain from stating here for.... well, to not break code and leave too terribly much information floating about the Inter-Webz.
Because, we all know, as we're taught so well, that if someone wants to find you on the internet, they will, and as much as I try to not believe that, I have serious issues with what people I care about think of me, so, I'm taking every step possible to keep this far away from anyone who might think I'm weird for writing this. Anyone that I know, that is. If you're some random dude from, lets say, Washington, I could give a poo less what you think. Actually, I'd really like to hear what you have to say.
But anyway, back to the point. The non-existent point. Heh.

So, you've got a boring as hell introduction....
Lets stretch it a bit farther with a boring as shat survey.
Read only if you're super bored.

Since I don't have to worry about people I care about reading this.... I'm stating the truth, and only the truth. The entire truth.

Have you ever liked someone older than you?
Of course.

What woke you up this morning?
Mi madre.

Who was the last person you talked on the phone with?
Um. My mother, I do believe.

Do you take compliments well?

In the past week have you cried?
Several times (see? Truth)

How did you last hurt yourself and why?
Um. I smacked my elbow on my hip while playing Wii baseball..... ?

What are you listening to?
The Birthday Massacre- To Die For

What made you smile today?
He did.
(Well........ ok. Most of the truth.)

What made you sad today?
Not seeing him enough.

Do you have a crush on anyone?
Sarcasm is my best friend.
But anyways. Yes. I do. A lot. Very much.

What's your biggest concern right now?
As unimportant as it seems in the grand scheme of things, it probably has something to do with this mysterious "him."

How many different people of the opposite sex have you cried over?
Just one.
Quite recently.

Who are your last five missed calls from?
My mother, some mormon people, and my sister.

Do you like your cell phone?
Sure. It can text and recieve/send calls.

Is there someone on your mind that shouldn't be?
Someone might say that he shouldn't be on my mind.... :)

Do you like silver or gold jewelry better?

What are your plans for the morning?
Um. Sleep?

Do you ever turn off your cellphone?
Not usually. Except in that blast zone on the way home from school.

What was the last thing you bought?
Um. Pokemon Sapphire.

Do you have an older or younger sibling?
One of both.

Who did you last go to the movies with?
My mommy.

Ever been to a friends house and starved the whole time?
I honestly have no idea.

Do you know someone who likes you?
Yes. :)

Have you ever had a friend named Fred, Frank, or Felipe?

Have you ever said I Love You and not meant it?
I've never said I love you. Except to my mom.... but, I don't think that counts in this context....

What is the closest green object to you/
A pen.

Did you like anyone last summer?
Not really...

When was the last time you were told you were cute?
Today :D

Did you have a good day yesterday?

Who's the last person you had a sleepover with?
Someone ages and ages ago.

Do you know anyone with such a terribly annoying voice that you can't evenstand?
Um.... yeah.... I think so.....

On average, what do you think you cry about the most?
Haha. Yeah. Prolly.

Who was the last person you held hands with?
No one?

What would happen if you had to marry the last person you kissed?
Well, I'd say... that since I've never kissed anyone, I'd have no one to get married to... therefore... nothing would change?